The way Theatre Troupe runs its projects is based on research that emerged from a doctoral project at Queen Mary University London (QMUL), completed in 2020. We have a methodology – the Theatre Troupe Model – informed by Attachment Theory and neurobiological attunement, that we apply in all our work. We also disseminate this model to students and organisations who may be working with children and young people who have experienced trauma and are experiencing mental distress as a result.
We are active in the research community, with a partnership with the Drama Department and The Wolfson Institute of Population Health. Students from their MSc. in Creative Arts and Mental Health are taught the Theatre Troupe Model as part of a module, which also involves a placement on one of Theatre Troupe’s programmes. The module is entering its 7th year.
We also work closely with the MSc. in Psychological Therapies and the MSc. in Cultural Psychiatry, offering training and placements. In addition to this, the Theatre Troupe Model has been taught as part of undergraduate modules at the University of East London and De Montfort University. Lectures have also been delivered for Royal Central Speech & Drama’s MA in Applied Theatre.
Dr Emily Hunka, Artistic Director and CEO is active in the research community, having published papers and presented at conferences, most recently the Theatre and Performance Research Association national conference. Her doctorate, which established Theatre Troupe’s methodology, can be found at: https://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/70667\. We are hopeful that this manuscript will be published as a guide for students and professionals in the near future.
For more information about our research work, please contact Emily at emily@theatretroupe.org